Student loans can be erased “discharged” in bankruptcy.

A new court ruling shows that student loans can be erased in bankruptcy.
Picture of Stephen Dunne, Esq.

Stephen Dunne, Esq.

Philadelphia bankruptcy, credit report, and debt collection abuse attorney

A new court ruling shows that student loans can be erased in bankruptcy.
Picture of Stephen Dunne, Esq.

Stephen Dunne, Esq.

Philadelphia bankruptcy, credit report, and debt collection abuse attorney

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Student loans can be erased “discharged” in bankruptcy.
The attached Order discharging my client’s Discover Financial Services private student loans was signed by Judge Ashely M. Chan on March 25, 2020 pursuant to 11 USC § 523(a)(8) and 11 USC § 727.
Don’t listen to those Google lawyers with a JD degree in googling. As B.A. Baracus eloquently said: “I ain’t get time for that jibba jabba.”

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